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The unconventional method to getting your first 500 email subscribers

(who WANT to buy from you) as an author, coach, consultant, or online business owner

(even if you’ve tried giving away more
lead magnets than you can remember)

An email list that buys from you consistently.

It’s the holy grail of online business.

But most people have forgotten this.

They think follower count on Instagram and views on videos are the things that matter.

But there’s only one thing that matters as a business.

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And you can’t cash follower count and video views at the bank as far as I can tell.

But if you want a bonafide way to both serve your audience at scale AND get paid, then you need an email list.

Having an email list is by far the most profitable asset you can own.

According to Hubspot, email returns $42 for every $1 spent on it. That’s a staggering 4200% return.

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That's pretty freakin' Awesome.

But you probably already know how important it is to have an email list.

That’s why you’re here.

But you’re probably wondering, “How do I build one?”


“How do I build an email list that actually has people on it that want to pay me instead of just getting freebies?”


“How do I do it in a way where I’m building a real relationship with my audience, serving them at the highest level, and they want to buy my products or services?"

Well, I feel ya.

I struggled with those things too for a long time.

I’d give away freebies and all sorts of lead magnets. I built a list of people who wouldn’t buy.

And that was so frustrating because I was putting so much time and energy into “list building.”

So, I decided to flip things upside down.

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I decided that there had to be a better way to do things.

I decided that I would build a list of buyers instead of freebie seekers.

And that’s when the value of my email list exploded.

My name is Joshua Sprague.

I'm a bestselling author and the creator of this little thing called The 30 Day Book Writing Challenge™ which has helped 10,000 people write amazing non-fiction books that they're wildly proud of.

And I started hitting 6 figure months when I had just 3200 people on my list.

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Here’s a screenshot of an email I sent at that time to my list. You can see there were only 3,207 people on the list.

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And here's a picture of me and my big ol' teeth.

Yes, they are real :)

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The industry standard says you should make $1 per email subscriber per month.

Well, $117,600 from 3,207 people is a lot better than $3,207 from 3,207 people, wouldn’t you say?

And I want to help you build your email list the RIGHT way.

So that - whether your email list is small, medium, or big in size - it’s filled with the right people who love hearing from you and want to buy from you.

If you’re an author, coach, consultant, online business owner, or service provider, then it’s essential to have an email list.

But not just any email list.

You want to have a buying email list.

That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to my brand new program…

your first 500 email subscribers

The unconventional method to getting your first 500 email subscribers who buy from you, love hearing from you,

and tell their friends all about you.

I’ve gotten so many requests to create this program.

At least 261 people (and counting) have told me they wanted me to create it.

So, instead of keeping this stuff to myself, I want to share it with you.

I want to show you exactly how to build a buying email list and get your first 500 email subscribers.

so how does the program work?

Great question.

So, the program will be delivered through a combination of email and video training.


Because consuming the content via email makes it really simple for you to access the content, get to work, and get the result you’re after.

And that’s really the thing we both care about: getting you the result you want.

You’ll receive a simple daily email from me for 21 days with a short lesson and an assignment that you can implement in about 15-30 minutes a day.

On top of that, you’ll receive two video training sessions to teach you exactly how to build your email list of buyers and show you the behind the scenes of the technical set up (which is very streamlined and simple).

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what you'll learn in your first 500 email subscribers:

How (and where) to find your first 500 email subscribers (who want to buy from you)

The simple and streamlined technology we use to get people to join your email list (no tech confusion…just the simple tech that lets you automate all of it)

The “3 Door” approach to attracting email subscribers who want to buy from you as soon as they hear about you.

How to use social media to attract your ideal buyers to join your email list

Paid advertising strategies to build your email list (I’ll show you how to do this even if you can only spend $1 a day)

How to identify and validate your main list building idea (so that you attract the right people to your email list

The 3 simple (yet powerful) things you need to create that get people to join your email list (and want to buy from you)

The “anti-lead magnet” that bypasses peoples resistance and gets them to opt-in to your stuff

How to build a list of people that are in love with you from the start (and that you can best help)

My weird “Buyer First” method that attracts people who want to buy your stuff to your email list (this ONE thing can completely transform your email list quality)

Plus a whole bunch more

15 days into the program and already at 313 subscribers

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and this student straight up called the course "baller"

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How much is it costing you to NOT have a list
of buying email subscribers?

So, let’s be real with each other for a minute.

What’s it costing you to NOT have a list of buying email subscribers?

Even if your email list matched the industry standard of $1 per subscriber per month, then you’re missing out on at least $500 a month (at a bare minimum).

Over the course of a year that’s $6000.

But what if you learn what I teach in my program, Your First 500 Email Subscribers, and you learn how to get $2, $3, $6, or even $10+ per email subscriber?

Now your 500 email subscribers could be worth $1000, $1500, $3000, $5000 or more PER MONTH.

Would it be worth it to have an email list that pays you

thousands of dollars per month?

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Also, what is it costing you to be reliant on social media, networking, or referrals for your business?

What if you get shut down on social media?

What if the referrals stop coming?

What if you didn’t have to “hope and pray” that someone would buy?

That’s the power of having a buying email list and that’s why it’s so important - especially in today’s world - that you start building an email list right now.

That’s why it’s so important for you to join Your First 500 Email Subscribers.

So, what’s the investment?

(queue stressful moment of the sales experience)

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I’ve never publicly shared my secrets to building an email list of buyers who love you outside of this program.

I’ve only shared a fraction of this stuff with my private clients who pay $50k-$100k a year to work with me.

And we’ve already seen that having an email list of 500 subscribers should AT LEAST generate you $500 per month on the very low end if you’re matching what’s standard across the board.

So, at a bare minimum this program is worth at least $500 per month to you (or $6000 a year).

And that’s if you only implement a fraction of what I’m going to teach you.

However, I’m not going to charge you $500 a month or $6000 a year.

Instead, for this special enrollment period you can join Your First 500 Email Subscribers today for only $297.

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Yeah, it’s pretty nuts.

So, let’s help you get Your First 500 Email Subscribers.

join your first 500 email subscribers now for only $297

This special program starts in...

100% Money back & Satisfaction guarantee

Go through the program and if you're not wildly obsessed with it let us know within 30 days and we'll refund your investment.

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The $30K Email

Want a copy of one of the most profitable single emails I've ever sent?  This is the exact email I used to sell $30,000 from a single email. When you add The $30K Email to your order you'll receive the original email I sent PLUS a templated version you can modify to send to your own audience to land high ticket clients. Grab The $30K Email right now for only $19. 
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The Offer Creation Masterclass™

Want to learn my unconventional method to quickly create winning 6 & 7 figure offers that make people say, "Shut up and take my money!!" That's exactly why I created The Offer Creation Masterclass. This is a perfect complement to Your First 500 Email Subscribers. In this special masterclass I reveal exactly how I create winning offers and how you can use my 9 Part Winning Offer Framework to create your own winning offers to send to your newly built email list. This normally sells for $399, but right now you can add it to your order for only $99. 
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